E X H I B I T I O N S__&
_ S H O W I N G S
V i a g g i o ssS
p i r t u a l e
my experiences I have searched for life’s
answers through travel, reading, faith, family
and my art. One subject I find particularly
fascinating and interesting is religious subject
matter through various cultures. It has become
apparent to me that although cultures may be
very different on the surface, the core of belief
in a higher power is universal. Many of us are
looking for an omnipotent entity to give us
strength, hope and faith in eternal life.
The intent of my travels, most recently to Italy
and Greece, was to find uniqueness in the artifacts
of these extraordinary lands. I also hoped to
bridge the gap between the vast history and
beliefs of ancient Italy and Greece with the
artistic techniques of today. Polaroid transfer
lifts on gold leaf gilding is the technique
I have employed.
It is not my intention to have my photographs
venerated. It is my hope that these images will
be seen as representations of cultures and beliefs
which formed the foundation of the many civilizations
that flourished in the ancient Mediterranean
world. Viaggio Spirituale is my visual tribute
to these great civilizations and religions.
Mary Lee Moore
| 312.943.4518 | © all rights reserved
Mary Lee Moore
Viaggio Spirituale
Cliff Dwellers
200 Michigan Avenue
22nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60504
October 8 - November 4, 2005
Wednesday. October 12/ 5:30-7:30pm
Gallery Hours
Monday Through Friday 2:005:00pm